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Inspire Festival Newsletter Jan 2013 [pdf] which includes …
- Next Inspire Festival Meeting
- What’s happening on the day of the Festival?
- Aims and What the Festival Inspires
- Share Your Group’s Achievements and Successes
- Inspire Positivity and Well being
The Second meeting for people to come together and helping to plan or take part the Inspire Festival – to make this happen I do need the support of others.
Please comment on this facebook thread to share your thoughts and make suggestions for the agenda.
Please invite others to come along
What’s happening on the day of the Festival?
Groups, Organisations and People Taking Part, and what they are doing?
Time has come to get all groups, etc to confirm their attendance for the Inspire Festival.
Along with your confirmation, could you also send me details on your group and what you will be doing at the festival? Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, and consideration will also take into account the festival’s aims.
Once all this information has been collected, a programme will be made to show people what is happening on the day. It will also enable each group, organisation, and individual to have a time slot allocated.
I am looking forward to hearing from you all, and to start seeing the festival come to life.
Aims and What the Festival Inspires
- To promote community connections and prevent isolation.
- To enable groups and organisations which benefit the community and individuals to promote themselves and the services that they provide.
- To provide a diverse range of activities and entertainment.
- To provide a fun, engaging, and positive atmosphere.
To Inspire
- Equality
- Diversity
- Human Rights
- Animal Rights
- Green and Environmental Issues
- Sustainability
- Wellbeing
- Positivity and Compassion
- Peace
- Local Community
- Fair Trade
- Local Shops and Traders
- Arts
- Culture
- Protecting the NHS and Public Sector
Share Your Group’s Achievements and Successes
The Inspire Festival aims to be a fun and inspiring event that enables people to come together and celebrate, therefore I would love groups and organisations to write a paragraph about what their group/organisation has achieved and how it has benefited people and the community.
This will then be put together as a collective to form a Powerpoint slideshow that will be displayed at the festival. Pictures, poems, and quotes can also be attached.
I am looking forward to hearing all about your groups and I am sure others will too 🙂
Inspire Positivity and Well being
I am looking to collect positive and inspiring poems, images, and quotes.
Please post any that you want to contribute on the bottom of this page or this facebook thread. This will be put together in to a powerpoint slideshow to be used at the festival.
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